The World on the Brink of Disaster?

Zelensky and Netanyahu hold the world to ransom  by Alexander Christiani It might not be an exaggeration to fear that these two gentlemen, with their incredible and inexcusable stubbornness, could bring the world to the edge of a global conflict. While it is undoubtedly Ukraine’s inalienable right to defend itself against Russian aggression, ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2024-09-27T17:08:20+02:0030.09.2024|Allgemein|1 Kommentar

Policy Paper No. 31

America votes – three scenarios written by Dr Josef Braml (Trilateral Commission) translated from German by Wolfgang Geissler On November 8, America will re-elect the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate – but there is so much more at stake. It's about the future of the USA, democracy ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2022-11-08T18:37:05+01:0008.11.2022|Allgemein, Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Policy Paper No. 31
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