ABS Policy Paper No. 38

Five Years of Brexit: Lessons, Challenges, and the Way Forward By Wolfgang Geissler and Colin Munro Introduction Brexit has been the most consequential political event in modern British history. Five years after the United Kingdom formally left the European Union, its impacts are becoming increasingly clear. While some envisioned a new ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-12T13:33:56+01:0012.02.2025|Policy Papers|0 Kommentare

ABS Policy Paper No. 37

Reflections on America’s, NATO’s and Russia’s approach to European Security since the 1990s This ABS Policy Paper is written by Ambassador ret. Robert Hunter. Of all the crises now besetting the world – particularly the West – most consequential is the war between Russia and Ukraine and thus also the NATO ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:56:52+01:0029.05.2024|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS Policy Paper No. 37


The Israel-Palestinian conflict – a case for a Confederation This ABS Policy Paper is written by Andreas Herdina, former Austrian diplomat, some elements and conclusion added by Alexander Christiani. Background and rationale In 1988, the Austrian Foreign Ministry conducted a brainstorming inviting all its diplomatic staff to provide ideas for a ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T10:28:39+01:0011.12.2023|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER No. 35


The Future of UK-EU Relationship Report by the Lords European Affairs Committee und submitted by Anthony Cary (Ambassador ret.) of the “European & International Analysts Group” in London. Recommendations by the Committee: POLITICAL, DIPLOMATIC, INSTITUTIONAL The rapid conclusion of cooperation agreements with the EU that had been blocked by the dispute ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:55:03+01:0023.06.2023|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER No. 34


Superpower of Unpeace? The USA want to prevent a counter-power from emerging on the Eurasian double continent. Europe must emancipate itself from America to ensure peace and prosperity.  Written by Stefan Baron (German journalist and author - Head of communications at Deutsche Bank until May 2012. Before that, he was Editor-in-Chief ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:54:27+01:0024.04.2023|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER No. 33

Policy Paper No. 32

Windsor Framework, Brexit and Northern Ireland written by former Ambassador Colin A. Munro The framework for implementation of the Nothern Ireland (NI) Protocol, an integral part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement (WA), was agreed by the UK and the EU, during the visit by the President of the ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:54:02+01:0007.03.2023|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Policy Paper No. 32

Policy Paper No. 31

America votes – three scenarios written by Dr Josef Braml (Trilateral Commission) translated from German by Wolfgang Geissler On November 8, America will re-elect the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate – but there is so much more at stake. It's about the future of the USA, democracy ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2022-11-08T18:37:05+01:0008.11.2022|Allgemein, Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Policy Paper No. 31

Political Sea-Change in Britain

by Dr Melanie Sully |  Poltical Scientist, ABS Board Member In 1979 that shrewd politician James Callaghan remarked: “You know there are times, perhaps once every 30 years, when there is a sea-change in politics. It then does not matter what you say or do. There is a shift in what ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:53:31+01:0024.10.2022|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Political Sea-Change in Britain

Policy Paper No. 29

Improving the UK-EU Relationship Written by Eric Cummings (European & International Analysts Group, London) INTRODUCTION Since the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 there have been many suggestions for building on the basic arrangements laid down in the Withdrawal Agreement and the subsequent Trade & Co-operation Agreement.  A number ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:53:06+01:0016.06.2022|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Policy Paper No. 29
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