Policy Paper No. 28

Co-operation between the European Union and the United Kingdom in Defence, Security, Intelligence and Justice & Home Affairs after BREXIT Written by Alexander Christiani The decision by the British Government to leave the European Union was, in my mind a colossal mistake whose negative reverberations will be felt for many years ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T09:52:18+01:0006.05.2022|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für Policy Paper No. 28

The Fading Rainbow Nation | South Africa in 2022

The Fading Rainbow Nation | South Africa in 2022 Written by Tony Leon -  commentary  by Alexander Christiani, Austrian Ambassador to South Africa 1986-1990 Shakespeare’s lament that “When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions” resonates deeply in South Africa today. Twenty-eight years ago, when I took ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-02-05T10:33:58+01:0008.04.2022|Policy Papers|2 Kommentare

ABS Policy Paper No. 26

Crime, justice & security co-operation with the EU after Brexit Written by SENIOR EUROPEAN EXPERTS ,London ( abbreviated by Alexander Christiani) Introduction Since the 1990s there has been a noticeable increase in cross-border crime, terrorism and people trafficking.  Whilst definitions vary, law enforcement agencies across the world have identified substantial increases in international ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:33:32+01:0002.11.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS Policy Paper No. 26


Reflections on the Brexit anniversary Written by Colin Munro Summary Three days after the referendum Boris Johnson (BJ), leader of Vote Leave, wrote in the Daily Telegraph: British people will still be able to go and work in the EU, to live, to travel, to study, to buy homes and settle ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:33:09+01:0012.08.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER No. 25


Is Brexit Done?! Written by Colin Munro Summary From a British (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) perspective, Brexit will not only make the country poorer and less secure, it may also accelerate the breakup of a hitherto exceptionally successful multinational state. However, neither the negative consequences of Brexit, ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:32:45+01:0015.03.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER No. 24


THE UK-EU TRADE AND CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT 2020 Written by SENIOR EUROPEAN EXPERTS, LONDON, abbreviated by Alexander Christiani INTRODUCTION On Christmas Eve 2020, the UK and the EU negotiators reached political agreement on the text of the UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA).1  This agreement, which provides for tariff and quota free trade ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:32:20+01:0001.02.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER NO. 23


ERKLÄRUNG DER ÖSTERREICHISCH- BRITISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT ZUM ERGEBNIS DER VERHANDLUNGEN DES VEREINIGTEN KÖNIGREICHES MIT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION Verfasst von Alexander Christiani Die Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft(ABS),die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, den Austausch und den Dialog zwischen Großbritannien und Österreich in allen Aspekten zu fördern, gibt ihrer Freude und Genugtuung Ausdruck, dass es beiden ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2021-02-01T16:48:44+01:0001.02.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für STATEMENT


SECURING THE EU’S PLACE IN THE WORLD Written by Stefan Lehne, published by CARNEGIE EUROPE, shortened by Alexander Christiani The EU will soon launch its long-awaited Conference on the Future of Europe, a multiyear participatory endeavor involving member states, EU institutions, and the public. It’s anticipated that, by 2022, the conference will ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:29:51+01:0001.02.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER NO. 22


THE UK ON THE BRINK OF DISASTER-OR NOT? Written by Colin Munro SUMMARY The administrations in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, local authorities and businesses, may be overwhelmed by Brexit implementation after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020, not least because they will, at the same time, have to deal ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:30:24+01:0001.02.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER NO. 21


BREXIT: EXTENDING THE TRANSITION PERIOD - ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST. Paper written by Senior European Experts - London as prefaced and edited by Colin MUNRO. "The Experts' conclusion echoes the Economist Leader on 13 June: Don't Pretend, Extend. The UK should agree with what the EU has already proposed, and agree ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2025-01-31T12:30:50+01:0001.02.2021|Policy Papers|Kommentare deaktiviert für ABS POLICY PAPER NO. 20
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